How To Register for e-Tin Certificate:

In this article we will discuss about e-Tin Certificate in Bangladesh. This article covers the following topics:
- What is Tin or e-Tin Certificate ?
- Who are required to have an e-Tin Certificate ?
- How to Register for e-Tin Certificate in Bangladesh ?
- What is Tin or e-Tin Certificate ?
Tin means Tax Identification Number or Taxpayers Identification Number (Tin). Through a Tin Number a tax payer can be easily identified. It’s a 12 digit Number. National Board of Revenue, Bangladesh (NBR) is the authority who provide the Tin Certificate to the Tax Payers. Previously Tin Certificate was issued by NBR only through manual system and it was a 10 digit Number. Thereafter to speed up the whole process NBR has introduced an online system for obtaining Tin Certificate, which is known as e-Tin Certificate.
- Who are required to have an e-Tin Certificate in Bangladesh ?
In Bangladesh it is not mandatory for all to have a Tin Certificate. However having a Tin Certificate means having a Tax Identification Number and the person shall be considered as a Tax Payer. Therefore for having a Tin Certificate one may have some extra advantages while taking services from Public and Private Offices such as Banks and financial institutions. However in the following cases one should have a Tin Certificate:
- If total of the person income during a income year exceeds the maximum amount that is not chargeable to tax under this Ordinance;
- If basic salary of a person is BDT 16,000/Month or more in any public office then you are required to file Income Tax Return and for filing Tax Return you must have a Tin Certificate;
- Owns a motor car;
- Owns a membership of a club registered under value added tax;
- Runs any business or profession having trade license from a city corporation, a Paurashava or a Union Parishad;
- registered with a recognized professional body as a Doctor, Dentist, Lawyer, Chartered Accountant, Cost and Management Accountant, Engineer, Architect or Surveyor or any other similar profession; or
- Registered with the Board as an Income Tax Practitioner;
- Has a membership of a Chamber of Commerce and Industries or a Trade Association or body;
- Runs for an office of any Paurashava, City Corporation, or a Member of Parliament;
- Participates in a tender floated by the government, semi-government, autonomous body or a local authority;
- Serves in the board of directors of a company or a group of companies;
- Wants to buy Prize Bond or Saving Certificates from Banks.
- For Opening a Bank Account it doesn’t require a Tin Certificate. However for having a Tin Certificate one may have some advantages on interest.
- How to Register for e-Tin Certificate in Bangladesh ?
For obtaining Tin Certificate now it’s compulsory to apply through online. It is a very easy process to Register for e-Tin Certificate. One can easily register for his very own e-Tin Certificate using his Mobile Phone or Computer with an active internet connection. For obtaining e-Tin Certificate one have to follow the following steps:

For obtaining e-Tin Certificate you have to visit e-Tin Registration Website of National Board of Revenue, Bangladesh. You fill find the Home Page as the attached Picture. Then you have to click on the Register button for registration.
For Registration you have fill up the Registration form (As the attached Picture). You have provide the following information
- User ID: It may be your full name or in short with out any spacing and only small letters can be used,
- Password: Type your Password. You to remember your password to login this site later.
- Security Question: You have to choose a Security Question and have to answer the question. It will asked if you forget your password and/or try to reset your password.
- Country: Bangladesh
- Mobile Number: You have to provide a valid mobile number and in your number they will send a verification code and the code is required to complete the registration procedure.
- Email: Providing email address is not mandatory. If you have an email address then provide it.
- Verification Letters: Finally you have to Write down the verification letters in capital letters as it is.

After submitting the Registration form You will get a message containing an activation code on your mobile. Submit the activation code and click on the “Active” button. Thereafter your account will be activated.
Now your account is activated and ready to use. You have to provide your User ID and Password (As you provided earlier in step 2) to login to your account.

After login into your account you will find the same as the attached picture. For Tin Registration you have to click on “Click here” button.
Now you have to Register for your Tin Certificate providing the required information. You have to provide the following information as follows:
- Taxpayer’s Status:
a) Individual > Bangladeshi (For Individual and Personal Use)
b) Individual > Bangladeshi> Having NID
- Registration Type: New Registration (If you are obtaining Tin for the first time)
- Main Source of Income: Profession/Service/Others
- Location of main source of income: Select the District where you are working
- Location: Select your Specific area.
Thereafter click on “GO TO NEXT” button.

In this stage you have to provide your Basic Information as per your NID. You have to provide your Name, Gender, NID Card Number, Date of Birth, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Spouse’s Name, Mobile Number, Email and Your Present & Permanent Address. Thereafter click on “GO TO NEXT” button.
In this stage You have to finally review your provided information whether it is correct or not. You will also find that your NID Card Picture and others information shall be linked with this account. If everything is correct then click on the BOX shown and Submit your Application.

Your e-Tin Certificate is ready now. Click on the “View TIN Certificate” and you will find your electronic generated Tin Certificate.
You will find your e-Tin Certificate similar as to the attached picture. You can Save it or download it and/or print it using your Phone or Computer. You can also send your Tin Certificate in to your mail.
Thereafter you can login into your account any time using your User ID & Password and you can download your e-Tin Certificate whenever it is required.
However if you find any difficulties or you need any assistance in this regard, Please feel free to Contact Us. Our Dedicated Service Team is ready to assist you.